We’re the Educational
Furniture company
School Furniture Catalogue 2021/2022
With over forty five years of experience within the educational furniture marketplace, we understand the importance that furniture for schools has. To be inspired one must be at ease; and to be at ease one must be in comfort. Pupils and teachers spend the majority of their day seated in classroom environments so for maximum attention and productivity, it is paramount they be housed in a calming environment that is both conducive to the learning process and relaxing to the body and mind.
We work tirelessly every day to make sure that each and every one of our products is as good as the rest of them. We pride ourselves on being the education furniture company. Below is our bespoke educational furniture catalogue available to view online now!
Whether you’re looking for educational furniture specialists or school furniture suppliers we’ve got you covered. We provide any and all school furniture for any need!
Inspire your classroom with our latest range!

Our vast experience in educational space refurbishment is combined with an unbounded knowledge of fixtures, fittings and furniture to compliment the space. With access to a wide range of furniture suppliers – and as a preferred partner to several leading manufacturers – we gift you the insight to ensure you select the most appropriate product for your environment.

Whether you require a science lab, a food tech, an IT room or library furniture we link your space with your concept to provide a holistic environment that your staff and pupils will be inspired by. We provide modern, hard wearing and industry leading furniture for all purposes: including desks and tables, stools and chairs, laboratory and canteen seating and a wide range of modular and folding furniture.

The latest BrookhouseUK Education Catalogue contains a fantastic range of educational furniture, so you will undoubtedly find exciting solutions for your premises refurbishment or fit-out. We work with you and discuss the pros and cons of the various options in an unbiased manner, providing helpful suggestions to ensure you are aware of all suitable options available.
Recent Refurbishment projects
Every job we undertake begins with pride. Pride in our work, pride in our history and pride in the feedback we receive.
Looking for a little space identity?
Trust BrookhouseUK to invigorate your environment. Our experiences and passion resonates through everything we do. Functionality is the key to perfecting Spatial Design. How things look to the eye and feel to the touch are only half the solution.
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Head Office
4 Charter Court, Stephenson Road
Colchester, Essex CO4 9BP
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Brindley Place, Brunswick Sq
Birmingham, B1 2LP
Northern Office
Jactin house, 24 Hood st
Manchester M4 6WX
Scotland Office
6th Floor, 7 Buchanan Street, Glasgow, G1 3HL
Wales Office
Wellington House (First Floor), Wellington Street, Cardiff, CF11 9BE
Contact Us
0345 383 0050 - Head Office
0121 289 2891 - Birmingham
0161 359 5274 - Manchester
0292 130 4561 - Cardiff
0141 428 4478 - Glasgow
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